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CHARLA IFLYSIB VIRTUAL Viernes 18/11 · Dante R. Chialvo · «Life at the edge: complexity and criticality in biological function»

Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos

CHARLA IFLYSIB VIRTUAL Viernes 18/11 · Dante R. Chialvo · «Life at the edge: complexity and criticality in biological function»

Título: Life at the edge: complexity and criticality in biological function

Expositor: Dante R. Chialvo – UNSAM/CONICET

Fecha: Viernes 18/11/2022 – 10:30 hs


Why life is complex and –importantly– what is the origin of the over abundance of complexity in nature?. This is a fundamental scientific question which, paraphrasing the late Per Bak, “is screaming to be answered but seldom is even being asked”. In this lecture we review our recent attempts to understand the origins of complex biological problems from the perspective of critical phenomena.

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