Publicaciones 2015-2016
Chirality in a quaternionic representation of the genetic code
C. Manuel Carlevaro, R. M. Irastorza, and F. Vericat, BioSystems, vol. 150, pp. 99-109, 2016. [REF]
Pinning-depinning transition in a stochastic growth model for the evolution of cell colony fronts in a disordered medium
B. Moglia, E. V. Albano, and N. Guisoni, Physical Review E, vol. 94, iss. 5, 2016. [REF]
Live Imaging of Axolotl Digit Regeneration Reveals Spatiotemporal Choreography of Diverse Connective Tissue Progenitor Pools
J. D. Currie, A. Kawaguchi, R. M. Traspas, M. Schuez, O. Chara, and E. M. Tanaka, Developmental Cell, vol. 39, iss. 4, pp. 411-423, 2016. [REF]
Spatio-temporal correlations in models of collective motion ruled by different dynamical laws
A. Cavagna, D. Conti, I. Giardina, T. S. Grigera, S. Melillo, and M. Viale, Physical Biology, vol. 13, iss. 6, 2016. [REF]
On the numerical solution of the linear and nonlinear Poisson equations seen as bi-dimensional inverse moment problems
M. B. Pintarelli and F. Vericat, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, vol. 19, iss. 5-6, pp. 927-944, 2016. [REF]
Field-tuned order by disorder in frustrated ising magnets with antiferromagnetic interactions
P. C. Guruciaga, M. Tarzia, M. V. Ferreyra, L. F. Cugliandolo, S. A. Grigera, and R. A. Borzi, Physical Review Letters, vol. 117, iss. 16, 2016. [REF]
Effect of interacting second- and third-order stimulus-dependent correlations on population-coding asymmetries
L. Montangie and F. Montani, Physical Review E, vol. 94, iss. 4, 2016. [REF]
Multifractal Spectrum for Barycentric Averages
A. Mesón and F. Vericat, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, vol. 22, iss. 4, pp. 623-635, 2016. [REF]
The water to solute permeability ratio governs the osmotic volume dynamics in beetroot vacuoles
V. Vitali, M. Sutka, G. Amodeo, O. Chara, and M. Ozu, Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 7, iss. September, 2016. [REF]
Interacting social processes on interconnected networks
L. G. Alvarez-Zuzek, C. E. L. Rocca, F. Vazquez, and L. A. Braunstein, PLoS ONE, vol. 11, iss. 9, 2016. [REF]
Intermediate magnetization state and competing orders in Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7
R. A. Borzi, F. A. Gómez Albarracín, H. D. Rosales, G. L. Rossini, A. Steppke, D. Prabhakaran, A. P. MacKenzie, D. C. Cabra, and S. A. Grigera, Nature Communications, vol. 7, 2016. [REF]
Rescue of endemic states in interconnected networks with adaptive coupling
F. Vazquez, M. Á. Serrano, and M. S. Miguel, Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 2016. [REF]
Temporal correlations imaging fixed targets through turbulence
D. Gulich, Optics Letters, vol. 41, iss. 12, pp. 2855-2858, 2016. [REF]
Structure of force networks in tapped particulate systems of disks and pentagons. II. Persistence analysis
L. Kondic, M. Kramár, L. A. Pugnaloni, C. M. Carlevaro, and K. Mischaikow, Physical Review E, vol. 93, iss. 6, 2016. [REF]
Structure of force networks in tapped particulate systems of disks and pentagons. I. Clusters and loops
L. A. Pugnaloni, C. M. Carlevaro, M. Kramár, K. Mischaikow, and L. Kondic, Physical Review E, vol. 93, iss. 6, 2016. [REF]
Dynamic regulation of cell volume and extracellular ATP of human erythrocytes
M. F. Leal Denis, H. A. Alvarez, N. Lauri, C. L. Alvarez, O. Chara, and P. J. Schwarzbaum, PLoS ONE, vol. 11, iss. 6, 2016. [REF]
Droplets pinned at chemically inhomogenous substrates: A simulation study of the two-dimensional Ising case
M. L. Trobo, E. V. Albano, and K. Binder, Physical Review E, vol. 93, iss. 5, 2016. [REF]
Spinodals and critical point using short-time dynamics for a simple model of liquid
E. S. Loscar, C. G. Ferrara, and T. S. Grigera, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 144, iss. 13, 2016. [REF]
Computer modelling of RF ablation in cortical osteoid osteoma: Assessment of the insulating effect of the reactive zone
R. M. Irastorza, M. Trujillo, J. Martel Villagrán, and E. Berjano, International Journal of Hyperthermia, vol. 32, iss. 3, pp. 221-230, 2016. [REF]
Promoters architecture-based mechanism for noise-induced oscillations in a single-gene circuit
N. Guisoni, D. Monteoliva, and L. Diambra, PLoS ONE, vol. 11, iss. 3, 2016. [REF]
Quaternionic representation of the genetic code
C. M. Carlevaro, R. M. Irastorza, and F. Vericat, BioSystems, vol. 141, pp. 10-19, 2016. [REF]
Tricritical wetting in the two-dimensional Ising magnet due to the presence of localized non-magnetic impurities
M. L. Trobo and E. V. Albano, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, vol. 28, iss. 12, 2016. [REF]
Thermodynamics of the classical spin-ice model with nearest neighbour interactions using the Wang-Landau algorithm
M. V. Ferreyra, G. Giordano, R. A. Borzi, J. J. Betouras, and S. A. Grigera, European Physical Journal B, vol. 89, iss. 2, pp. 1-9, 2016. [REF]
On L1 convergence of barycentric sequences of empirical measures
A. M. Mesón and F. Vericat, Applied Sciences, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 66-73, 2016. [REF]
A magnetosome chain viewed as a bio-elastic magnet
A. G. Meyra, G. J. Zarragoicoechea, and V. A. Kuz, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 18, iss. 18, pp. 12768-12773, 2016. [REF]
Novel Vanadium-Loaded Ordered Collagen Scaffold Promotes Osteochondral Differentiation of Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells
A. M. Cortizo, G. Ruderman, F. N. Mazzini, M. S. Molinuevo, and I. G. Mogilner, International Journal of Biomaterials, vol. 2016, 2016. [REF]
First insights into the functional role of vasicentric tracheids and parenchyma in eucalyptus species with solitary vessels: Do they contribute to xylem efficiency or safety?
A. J. Barotto, M. E. Fernandez, J. Gyenge, A. Meyra, A. Martinez-Meier, and S. Monteoliva, Tree Physiology, vol. 36, iss. 12, pp. 1485-1497, 2016. [REF]
High-resolution neutron and X-ray diffraction room-temperature studies of an H-FABP-oleic acid complex: Study of the internal water cluster and ligand binding by a transferred multipolar electron-density distribution
E. I. Howard, B. Guillot, M. P. Blakeley, M. Haertlein, M. Moulin, A. Mitschler, A. Cousido-Siah, F. Fadel, W. M. Valsecchi, T. Tomizaki, T. Petrova, J. Claudot, and A. Podjarny, IUCrJ, vol. 3, pp. 115-126, 2016. [REF]
Causal information quantification of prominent dynamical features of biological neurons
F. Montani, R. Baravalle, L. Montangie, and O. A. Rosso, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 373, iss. 2056, 2015. [REF]
A symbolic information approach to determine anticipated and delayed synchronization in neuronal circuit models
F. Montani, O. A. Rosso, F. S. Matias, S. L. Bressler, and C. R. Mirasso, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 373, iss. 2056, 2015. [REF]
Cooperativity in binding processes: New insights from phenomenological modeling
D. I. Cattoni, O. Chara, S. B. Kaufman, and F. L. G. Flecha, PLoS ONE, vol. 10, iss. 12, 2015. [REF]
Self-organization of plants in a dryland ecosystem: Symmetry breaking and critical cluster size
A. G. Meyra, G. J. Zarragoicoechea, and V. A. Kuz, Physical Review E – Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 91, iss. 5, 2015. [REF]
Far-from-equilibrium growth of magnetic thin films with Blume-Capel impurities
K. I. Mazzitello, J. Candia, and E. V. Albano, Physical Review E – Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 91, iss. 4, 2015. [REF]
Mathematical modelling of fluid transport and its regulation at multiple scales
O. Chara and L. Brusch, BioSystems, vol. 130, pp. 1-10, 2015. [REF]
Flow rate of polygonal grains through a bottleneck: Interplay between shape and size
E. Goldberg, C. M. Carlevaro, and L. A. Pugnaloni, Papers in Physics, vol. 7, 2015. [REF]
An intermediate state between the kagome-ice and the fully polarized state in Dy2Ti2O7
S. A. Grigera, R. A. Borzi, D. G. Slobinsky, A. S. Gibbs, R. Higashinaka, Y. Maeno, and T. S. Grigera, Papers in Physics, vol. 7, 2015. [REF]
Optimal recruitment strategies for groups of interacting walkers with leaders
R. Martínez-García, C. López, and F. Vazquez, Physical Review E – Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 91, iss. 2, 2015. [REF]
Abortive and propagating intracellular calcium waves: Analysis from a hybrid model
N. Guisoni, P. Ferrero, C. Layana, and L. Diambra, PLoS ONE, vol. 10, iss. 1, 2015. [REF]
Quantifying higher-order correlations in a neuronal pool
L. Montangie and F. Montani, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 421, iss. 1, pp. 388-400, 2015. [REF]
Importance of protonation states for the binding of ligands to pharmaceutical targets
A. Podjarny and E. Howard, , 2015. [REF]
Mathematical modeling of uniaxial mechanical properties of collagen gel scaffolds for vascular tissue engineering
R. M. Irastorza, B. Drouin, E. Blangino, and D. Mantovani, Scientific World Journal, vol. 2015, 2015. [REF]
Radiofrequency ablation of osteoma osteoide: A finite element study
R. M. Irastorza, M. Trujillo, J. Martel Villagrán, and E. Berjano, IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 49, pp. 858-862, 2015. [REF]
Do not be afraid of us: Chagas disease as explained by people affected by it [Não tenham medo de nós: A doença de Chagas segundo os protagonistas]
M. Sanmartino, A. A. Saavedra, J. G. i Prat, M. C. P. Barba, and P. Albajar-Viñas, Interface: Communication, Health, Education, vol. 19, iss. 55, pp. 1063-1075, 2015. [REF]
Joint fitting reveals hidden interactions in tumor growth
L. Barberis, M. A. Pasquale, and C. A. Condat, Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 365, pp. 420-432, 2015. [REF]